
如果您使用的是Linux或Mac OS X,那么 Oh-My-Zsh 是管理ZSH配置的好工具。

大部分的JHipster开发团队都使用了 Oh-My-Zsh, 如果你看到人们在终端上使用快捷键,魔术就来自这里!

Oh-My-Zsh JHipster 插件

JHipster Oh-My-Zsh插件可以在GitHub上 https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-oh-my-zsh-plugin上找到。

目前,它只添加快捷方式 (full list here), but we welcome contributions to have better auto-completion!


  1. Edit your ~/.zshrc and add jhipster to the list of plugins to enable:

    plugins=( ... jhipster )

  2. 在命令行中,更改为oh-my-zsh的自定义插件目录并克隆存储库: cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins && git clone https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-oh-my-zsh-plugin.git jhipster && cd && . ~/.zshrc


The git, docker and docker-compose plugins are usually useful with JHipster.

So your plugins section in your .zshrc file would be:

plugins=(git docker docker-compose jhipster)



如果您使用 Antigen:

  1. Add antigen bundle jhipster/jhipster-oh-my-zsh-plugin to your .zshrc where you've listed your other plugins.
  2. Close and reopen your Terminal/iTerm window to refresh context and use the plugin. Alternatively, you can run antigen bundle jhipster/jhipster-oh-my-zsh-plugin in a running shell to have antigen clone and load jhipster.


如果你使用 zgen:

  1. Add zgen load jhipster/jhipster-oh-my-zsh-plugin to your .zshrc along with your other zgen load commands.
  2. rm ${ZGEN_INIT}/init.zsh && zgen save

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