[BETA] Deploying to AWS with Elastic Beanstalk
WARNING! This is a new sub-generator, of BETA quality. Use it at your own risk! Feedback is highly welcome!
WARNING! Amazon does not provide a free tier, and does not sponsor JHipster. As such, we cannot test this sub-generator, and cannot guarantee that it works correctly. If you want us to be able to test this generator, you can consider sponsoring the project.
This sub-generator allows to deploy automatically your JHipster application to the Amazon AWS cloud.
- You can only use it with a MySQL database (PostgreSQL and Oracle will be added later).
- Websockets doesn't work behind the load balancer by default.
Running the sub-generator
Before running the sub-generator, you need to setup your AWS SDK credentials. Log in with your Amazon AWS account and create a user for your JHipster application. To grant this user the required permissions attach the AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess
After that create a credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials
on Mac/Linux or C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials
on Windows.
aws_access_key_id = your_access_key
aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_key
To deploy your application to Amazon AWS, type:
jhipster aws
This should package your application in "production" mode, create an Bean Stalk application (with a MySQL database), upload your code, and start the application.
Updating your deployed application
When your application is already deployed, you can re-deploy it by run the sub-generator again:
jhipster aws
The sub generator ask your database credentials again but they will be ignored during the update.