[BETA] Consul


Consul 概况 overview

作为替代JHipster注册表您可以选择使用 Consul, 从Hashicorp数据中心管理解决方案。 相比较 Eureka 相比,它具有很多优点:

  • 在多节点集群中操作比Eureka更容易。
  • 它有利于可用性的一致性,从而更快地传播集群状态的变化。
  • Consul 服务发现可以通过其 DNS interfaceHTTP API简单地与现有应用程序进行互操作。


  • run docker-compose -f src/main/docker/consul.yml up to start a Consul server in dev mode. Consul will then be available on port 8500 of your Docker host, so if it runs on your machine it should be at

You can also use the Docker Compose subgenerator to generate a docker configuration for several consul-enabled applications.

应用配置 Application configuration with Consul

如果您在生成JHipster微服务或网关应用程序时选择了Consul选项,那么它们将被自动配置为从Consul的 Key/Value store存储中检索其配置。.

Key/Value (K/V) store 可以通过两种方式被更改,一种是 UI available 在 http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/;另一种是 REST API. 但是,以这种方式进行的更改是临时的,并且将在Consul服务器/群集关闭时丢失。因此,为了帮助您轻松与Key / Value存储交互,并将您的配置管理为简单的YAML文件,JHipster Team开发了一个小工具:consul-config-loader. 在从consul.yml docker-compose文件启动Consul时, consul-config-loader 会自动配置,但也可以作为独立工具运行。它可以以两种模式运行:

  • a dev mode, where YAML files from the central-server-config directory are automatically loaded into Consul. Moreover any change to this directory will be immediately synchronized with Consul.
  • a prod mode, that uses Git2Consul to setup the YAML files contained in a Git repository as a configuration source for the Key/Value store.

Note that as with the JHipster Registry, your configuration files will need to be named appname-profile.yml where appname and profile correspond to the application’s name and profile of the service that you want to configure. For example, adding properties in a consulapp-prod.yml file will set those properties only for the application named consulapp started with a prod profile. Moreover, properties defined in application.yml will be set for all your applications.

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